The Reset Kickstarter
The Reset Kickstarter
This one's
for you!
This program is designed specifically for entrepreneurs, business owners, or high-achieving individuals who are ready to act on your ideas and move forward with your vision.
It's for you:
 If you have had a lot of ideas, thoughts, and dreams about what you want to do or how you want to live, then this program is for you.
If you are considering and looking at what your next act might be, then this program is for you.
If you want to start a new business or venture, then this program is for you.
If you want to do something new with your family, home, location, or health, then this program is for you.
If you have an idea that has been gathering dust on the shelf or in your mind, then this program is for you.
 If you have tons of options to move forward on, but the path to doing it is scattered and unclear, then this program is for you.
During this 5-week program, we will explore all of the ideas that you have for your life and create the blueprint to activate them through RESETTING. REIMAGINING and REDEFINING your life.

This is your opportunity to accomplish the goals you set for yourself and have been unable to move on because you are:
Feeling stuck and unable to move forward.
Redefine and reimagine what your life can be and believe that it is possible.
Focus on what really excites you and makes you feel alive.
Revisit The dreams that you’ve held on to waiting for “one day” that has never come.
Design the blueprint that takes you from where you are to a life you would love to live.
Prepare your heart, mind, and soul for the manifestations to occur.
I am Your Guide
Tonya Brewington, M.Ed, is a successful business woman, designer, speaker, tech guru and life coach. Her consulting firm The TBREWING Group, helps entrepreneurs crystallize their ideas, create the marketing strategy and implementation plan to bring their visions to reality.

As a dynamic and insightful speaker, she has facilitated workshops at churches, Women’s Conferences, and non-profit organizations, and has served as Mistress of Ceremonies for leadership events. Her own experience with tragic loss led her to found Courageously Alive®, a life coaching firm that helps individuals and entrepreneurs who have dealt with trauma, drama, or tragedy to heal, thrive, and prosper so that they reclaim their power and live a life of success.
This is your opportunity to accomplish the goals you set for yourself and have been unable to move on because you are:
Feeling stuck and unable to move forward.
Afraid to do anything because you don’t know what to do.
Afraid of making a mistake.
Not sure how to express the idea in a way that gets your true point across.
Doubtful about your ability to be successful.
Frustrated that you haven't been able to accomplish what you want in your life yet.
You have options!  
In this group program you will have the support and guidance to honor your truth as you decide what you would love for your life, prioritize your steps, and integrate an action plan to move forward.
Each class includes:
 Weekly trainings and discussions
Targeted assignments to reinforce the training
Training workbook
Supportive community
You have options!  
In this group program you will have the support and guidance to honor your truth as you decide what you would love for your life, prioritize your steps, and integrate an action plan to move forward.
Each class includes:
 Weekly trainings and discussions
Targeted assignments to reinforce the training
Training workbook
Supportive community
Choose a payment option: full-pay or payment plans.
(Full Payment)
(Payment Plan)
It's time to jumpstart your life!
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Choose a payment option:
full-pay (reduced rate)
or payment plans.
It's time to jumpstart your life!
It’s YOUR life.  
It’s time for you to LIVE IT!
If you come to our online program and are not satisfied in the first session, we will give you a full refund - $150 (processing fee).